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Peter Dunton

My friend and colleague, Peter Dunton, passed away last Thursday, 20.01.22, after a battle with cancer. I'd known Peter for a number of years, having played a flute session for his excellent band, T2. Peter was a great drummer and vocalist and songwriter of unusual material. I bought the band's album, It'll All Work Out In Boomland, in 1970 and could've seen T2 'live' supporting Deep Purple at the De Montfort Hall in Leicester the same year. Stupidly, I chose not to go. I also know Keith Cross, the band's former guitarist. A few weeks ago I had a video call with Peter following his operation and found him tired but in unusually high spirits. Ever the optimist, Peter never gave up on his music, one saying to me, 'I consider myself as good as the next man.' Last year, Cherry Red Records released a triple T2 CD, which I'm immensely proud to be playing on. Peter was enormously supportive of my own music, providing timely advice when and where required. I'll miss him greatly.

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